Township Board

  • Terry Smith

    SUPERVISOR - 231-533-8003 Ext. 3

    The Forest Home Township Supervisor is an elected position with a four-year term.  The Supervisor moderates board and annual meetings, is the secretary to the Township Board of Review, and serves as the Township’s legal agent.  The Supervisor is required to maintain records of supervisor’s office, develop the Township budget, appoint members to various boards and commissions.

  • Suzanne C. Mahan

    CLERK - 231-533-8003 Ext. 1

    The Clerk is responsible for maintaining current and accurate registration of voters and for supervising and conducting all Township, State, National, and School elections. The Clerk is also responsible for recording all actions, proceedings, resolutions and ordinances of the Township Board. The Clerk is responsible for preparing notices, and minutes of Board meetings and otherwise maintaining accurate records and files of Township proceedings and transactions.

    The clerk also maintains a general ledger, prepares financial statements, and delivers tax certificates to the Township supervisor and the County clerk. The clerk also keeps the Township book of oaths, is the Chair of the Township election commission and must appoint a deputy. These are all statutory duties required by the State.

  • Robert Logee

    ASSESSOR - 231-533-8003 Ext. 5

    Assessed Value Determinations

    The yearly determination of a property’s assessed value is done by the township assessing department. The Assessor is required by the State to assess all real and personal property in the township at fifty (50) percent of market value as of December 31 of each year. Market value is defined as the most likely price that a property would sell for in an arm’s length transaction with no undue influence suffered by either the buyer or seller. An individual selling price does not establish the assessed value of any property, rather an analysis of all sales is done to establish uniform values for all properties in Forest Home Township. Various factors are taken into consideration when establishing the assessment, including, but not limited to location, size and utilization, age, style, surrounding properties, and land and improvement values.

    Taxable Value

    With the advent of Proposal A (P.A. 415 of 1994), the value upon which property owners pay tax on is called the Taxable Value. This value is used to calculate one’s property taxes, and has been set at the 1994 assessed value and multiplied by the rate of inflation for every year that it has been owned by the same entity. As long as the property has not transferred ownership and not been added to, the annual increase in taxes is limited (or capped) by the rate of inflation.

    Principal Residence Exemption

    If you own and occupy a property that is considered your principal residence, you can file an affidavit that allows you to claim an exemption from some school operating taxes. This affidavit is also available online at this location.

    New Construction

    If you have had any new construction or remodeling in the past year, you can expect a visit from the assessor or his assistant sometime between the middle of November and the middle of January.

  • Theresa Kent

    TREASURER - 231-533-8003 Ext. 2

    The Treasurer is responsible for collecting real and personal property taxes, collecting delinquent personal property tax, collecting mobile home specific tax, keeping an account of receipts and expenditures, issuing Township checks, depositing revenues in approved depositories, and investing Township funds in approved investment vehicles. The Treasurer must post a surety bond and appoint a deputy.

  • Stephen C. Barnard

    ZONING ADMINISTRATOR - 231-533-8003 Ext. 4

    The Zoning Administrator works with the Township Planning Commission to reviewing various requests relative to land use and development, such as rezoning requests; subdivision plats, site plans, and others.  The Zoning Administrator is also responsible for the administration of the Zoning Ordinance and aids in the development of the Township Master Plan.  He also assists the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals in the performance of their duties.

    The Following are fee changes affective January 1, 2024

    Land Use Application Fees:

    Fences: $45
    Accessory Structures, Additions: $75
    New Homes: $100
    ZBA, Public and Special Hearings: $750

    Contact the Zoning Administrator - Stephen Barnard (231) 203-4031

Meeting Minutes

The Forest Home Township Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Forest Home Township Hall. All meetings are open to the public. All meeting minutes for boards and commissions are made available to the public to ensure transparency and foster community engagement. This accessibility allows residents to stay informed about local governance and decision-making processes. For meeting minutes prior to 2024 please contact us.

Forest Home Township Board - In Progress

January • February • MarchAprilMay • June • July • August • September • October • November • December